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Rowboat repair service


Rowboat repair service

Rowing boat repairs require professional work at Heeres Boat Service

Rowing Boat Repairs by Heeres Boat Service

Your Rowing Boat Deserves the Best Care

At Heeres Boat Service, we have over 30 years of experience in repairing and renovating rowing boats. We work with all brands and models, and can repair all types of damage, from minor scratches to major fractures.

Your rowing boat is in good hands

We at Heeres Boat Service are rowers ourselves, and we understand that your rowing boat is more than just a way to enjoy the water. It's a companion, a friend, a part of who you are. That's why we know that the first scratch on your new boat is a scratch on your soul. Therefore, we give every rowing boat the attention and care it deserves. We use the best materials and techniques to get your boat back in top condition.

Request a quote now and experience the quality of Heeres Boat Service

Our services include rowing boat repairs, damage restoration, maintenance, and renovation. We are your trusted partner for rowing boat repairs in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and beyond.

Both rowing boats were repaired by Heeres Boat Service

Heeres Boat Service logo short

Rowing boats: damage and renovation

Rowing boat repair, our expertise, your peace of mind
Rowing boats for rowing are usually very lightly constructed. Damage and wear are therefore inevitable.
Heeres Boat Service is the specialist in repairing and renovating rowing boats.
We have extensive, more than 30 years of experience in repairing all types and brands of rowing boats, from the first scratch on a brand new 8+ to the renovation of old wooden wherries.
We have the right materials, knowledge and experience with plastic and wood to repair or renovate your boat quickly and professionally.

We always say:

"Repairing rowing boats is a profession"

Has your boat suffered damage or is it in need of renovation? Please contact us for a quote.

Our opening hours and convenient 'letterbox' service

You can bring your boat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and put it in our "mailbox", even if we are not present.
The "mailbox" is a boat rack on the side of our workshop.


A repair estimate is not free of obligation.
The costs are not taken into account when the work is carried out .
See Terms and Conditions.



Heeres Boat Service
Verlengde Hoogravenseweg 13
3525BB Utrecht
The Netherlands (NL)


Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday:  9:00 to 17:00 
  • Saturday:               Closed
  • Sunday:                 Closed


24 hours a day, every day of the week, you can bring your boat and put it in our "mailbox", a boat rack on the side of the workshop.

In order not to overload our team, please do not call, but send an e-mail.
We ask for your understanding.

A damage repair estimate is not free of obligation.
The costs are not taken into account when the work is carried out .
See Terms and Conditions.
